The Roads to Monterey 2016 | Pacific Northwest Drive
Timberline Lodge and Ski Area 27500 W Leg Rd, Timberline LodgeBMW is celebrating its 100th birthday in 2016 with a great number of events worldwide. The main events in North America will occur in Monterey, California during Car Week and Ocktoberfest. Erik Swensson from the BMW Vintage & Classic CCA is arranging this great drive from Mt. Hood, OR to Sonoma, CA. From there you will meet up with another caravan of BMWs coming from Colorado then cruise on down to Monterey for the events.
BMW CCA Oktoberfest
Each year the BMW Car Club of America throws a party—a world famous party known as Oktoberfest and sometimes simply O'fest. This movable celebration of everything BMW occurs at exciting locations throughout the country and is the ultimate motorsport family reunion. This year we are fortunate enough to have our family reunion presented by Michelin once again!