Creating a New Event or Post

by | Aug 1, 2016

1. Add a New Event or Post (EVENT and POST)

Hover over the “+ New” icon/link at the top of your screen and click on Post or Event


2. Enter the Title and Add a Description (EVENT and POST)

Enter a title


Add a description of your event or the main content of your post


3. Add a Featured Image (EVENT and POST)

Attach the featured image through the module on the right side


4. Add the Time, Date, and Location Details (EVENT)

Add all of the time/date and location details below the description field


5. Add the Event URL and Cost (EVENT)

Enter the event URL where members can find more information or register (i.e. Ticket Tomato). MotorsportReg URLs will be added by the Communications team once they have been created.


6. Submit Entry to the Workflow

Once you’re finished with everything, submit it to the workflow and emails will be to the Communications team.


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